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Obsidian MarkMind Notice

This is not an open source project but lishid (obsidian developer) can check this code

Feature Comparison Free Catalyst Basic mode of MindMap Advanced features in Rich mode of MindMap Most features in Rich mode of MindMap PDF annotate List mode Support development PC and Mobile support PC and Mobile support $0 $12 (forever) Buy here

You can try it for 30 days for free. After 30 days, you can purchase a code on the website

MarkMind docs navigation MarkMind Create basic mode of MindMap Display basic mode to outline Display basic mode to table Create rich mode of MindMap Get markdown text from rich mode of MindMap Copy and paste node of MindMap Embed MindMap in other markdown file Common operations of MindMap Drag image from desktop to rich mode of MindMap Copy text from browser to MindMap Drag multiple nodes PDF annotator Setup and features Extracting annotations from PDF files Committing highlights and notes to PDF Relate MindMap node with annotation Introduction

Obsidian MarkMind is a mind map, outline, and PDF annotate tool based on Obsidian API

Features: Links Inline text styles

Multiline text

inline code Katex - $x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$ Links: GitHub: Changelog: Here Web site: Join our Discord: Chinese Readme: 中文手册 Related: coc-markmap gatsby-remark-markmap Creating a MindMap file It contains two modes: Basic and Rich You can create a MindMap file by either: Right clicking a folder and selecting New MindMap Board Add the YAML code by hand: --- mindmap-plugin: basic (or rich) --- Modes Basic

You can use the basic mind map function in conjunction with the outline or table mode. It works similar to the obsidian-enhancing-MindMap plugin. All of these modes are available in rich mode as well


To access the Outline mode you can either:

Click More options on the note and then Open outline Add the YAML code by hand: --- mindmap-plugin: basic display-mode: outline --- MindMap Outline short cuts Feature Short Cut New Mind Map CTRL/CMD + P New Child Node Enter Indent Tab Unindent Shift + Tab Zoom in CTRL/CMD + ] or Double click bullet point Zoom out CTRL/CMD + [ Zoom in/out CTRL + Mouse wheel Mind map to center CTRL/CMD + E Move Up Or Down Node CTRL/CMD + Up/Down Delete node Delete/Backspace Edit node Space/Double click node Undo CTRL/CMD + Z Redo CTRL/CMD + Y Expand/Collapse node CTRL/CMD + / Move node to another node Drag and drop node Tab node Up/Down/Left/Right Change MindMap layout Select node, CTRL/CMD + U/D/L/R/M/J/K/T/Q Delete summary/boundary/related link Delete/Backspace



To access the Table mode you can either:

Click More options on the note and then Open as table Add the YAML code by hand: --- mindmap-plugin: basic display-mode: table ---



In Rich mode you can use all the functions of basic mode. In addition you can:

Add a summary Add a boundary Add a node related link Add a free node Rich mode markdown format: --- mindmap-plugin: rich --- # md {JSON Data}

Other functions Exporting MindMap to image Use CTRL + P and click Export to HTML command Getting markdown in rich mode You can find Copy as markdown menu in More options

PDF annotate Highlight text Area annotate Relate MindMap node and annotate How to use PDF annotate Download the appropriate PDFJS plugins Install PDFJS plugin: On Android, create an Android folder then extract PDFJS folder into it On IOS, create an IOS folder, then extract PDFJS folder into it The PDFJS path is set separately and if it does not you can try filza app, it can find the path to Obsidian On PC, extract PDFJS folder to .obsidian folder CTRL/CMD + P, click set up PDFJS plugin path On Mac Command + Shift+ . to show the hidden folder, extract PDFJS folder to .obsidian folder Restart Obsidian Open settings tab for MarkMind and set the PDF plugin path For example: D:\plugins\PDFJS Ensure these folders are present in PDFJS folder (VaultLocation.obsidian\PDFJS): build epub epub.js pdfextrct web Add the following YAML code to the MindMap document: --- annotate-target: test/test.PDF annotate-type: pdf --- Then you can find Annotate PDF in more options Screenshot folder for rect annotations In the MindMap plugin settings you can set a folder path This should be a relative path pointing to your vault folder Or you can add the folder path in YAML: --- annotate-target: test/test.PDF annotate-type: pdf annotate-image-target: assets/image --- Short Cuts for annotate Feature Short Cut Highlight Yellow CTRL/CMD/ALT + Y Highlight Green CTRL/CMD/ALT + G Highlight Blue CTRL/CMD/ALT + B Highlight Pink CTRL/CMD/ALT + P Highlight Red CTRL/CMD/ALT + R Delete annotate CTRL/CMD/ALT + Delete/Backspace Mind Map and PDF annotate Open file as MindMap Use [[]] to reference PDF Click PDF reference, it will open a PDF reader if the PDF plugin path is correct Use the PDF annotate function: It will create an annos file in your current folder by default, the annos The annos file stores annotations data in JSON format If you set the Save PDF annotation type as markdown in setting tab, it will create a ${PDF name} file in your current folder Each annotation has an associated quote block with a block reference Please do not modify these blocks Relating MindMap nodes and annotations

There are three ways to relate mind map node and annotations

Default (Only supports rich mode) Make a PDF annotation Click PDF annotate Edit MindMap node and hit CTRL/CMD + V to relate the node and annotations Click the node PDF annotation and it will will auto copy the id of the annotation to your clipboard Jumpto protocol obsidian://jump-to-PDF (Supports basic and rich mode) In MindMark settings, set Support protocol to Open This will automatically create a PDF annotation reference link and copy to your clipboard when you click PDF-annotate Paste into markdown file Use markdown to save PDF annotations (Supports basic and rich mode) You can use [[${md name}#${block reference}]] to associate a quote block with a block reference An obsidian link to an annotation block-reference will, when clicked, open the corresponding file and scroll to the associated highlight If the file is already open in a pane, then the link will cause the existing pane to scroll instead Importing PDF highlight annotations You can use CTRL + P and then the change basic to rich mode command Import highlight annotations from PDF You can find this in the more options menu when opening a PDF You can also export PDF annotations in the PDF format In the more options menu for the MindMap document You can set the format you want in the MarkMind settings tab The default format is: Page:{{page}} Text:{{highlightText}} Comment:{{comment}} ^{{id}} Demonstration





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